mercredi 22 novembre 2006
vendredi 17 novembre 2006
Choosing clementines. Ubud
Wayang Kulit. Ubud

Lebah temple birthday; after all the prayings, gamelan, dances, it's time (very late) for wayang kulit; kinds of flat puppets made of buffalo's skin. A man moves theese puppets and the lamp light projects a shade on a big piece of white material. In the same time , with a very loud and grave voice, he telles the story. The performance can be very long, 2or 3 hours!
Portrait. Payangan

In a small village, a man is to be cremated, everybody have to wear a white piece of material around his head. She was very curious of me.
Libellés :
ubud bali indonesia hinduism cremation
Chicken. Ubud
Sorrow. Bentuyung

Smoke is spreading everywhere, it's a painfull moment of the cremation for this woman. This object on left is a symbol of the dead people.
Libellés :
ubud bali indonesia hinduism cremation
Portrait and drawings. Bentuyung

In this village, cremation day, everybody wear his best clothes;in this house walls are covered by drawings, they reminded me toulouse lautrec.
Libellés :
ubud bali indonesia hinduism cremation
jeudi 16 novembre 2006
Dreams. Petulu
Bush. Ubud
Rejang dancer. Pecalang
Merdeka. Ubud

17 th of august is the anniversary of independance in whole Indonesia ( Merdeka).In Ubud, all the students join in the cremation place with bamboo sticks and when the evening comes ,they light them and parade in the city.But they are here a long time before, just borying...Red and white are the merdeka colors.
Bambu jogged dance. Ubud

It is late, a small bamboo gamelan is playing; only balinese here, men overall.A legong dancer come (it's outside) and choose one man in the circle to dance.Some refuse some do like if they refused and agree, some are pushed by friends and escape, funny...
In the dance, the woman do all to seduce the man, to attrack him, but finally push him away and attrack him again...fascinating demonstration of feminine physical attraction on men in a very suggestive way.
mardi 14 novembre 2006
Sorrow. Payangan

Family who can do it,make the cremation ceremony, in the days following the death.
It's very expensive and some families have to wait years and years before having the money.
In this case, the death was recent, it's not the same mood. curiously, this women weared some black veil, in Asia white is the usual color for mourning.
Tower. Payangan

In the tower, bringed by the men, is the body, who will be burned in the cremation place.
Men turn around and around to prevent the dead people' spirit from coming back home.
The tower will be burned too.
Libellés :
ubud bali indonesia hinduism cremation tower
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